Saturday, January 31, 2009

What I Need

First: While talking to Jason on our ~7.2 mile/1 hour 14 minute run around the scenic loop at Prince William Forest Park in 20 degree weather, he informed me that he was not sure he liked being referred to as Jason "Farley" Pelt by someone else. Even though he called himself this previously I have decided to not refer to him as "Farley" any longer. This now leaves a clear nickname void. So I am in need of some suggestions for nicknames to use when referring to him in this blog. Until such time as I have a acceptable nicname suggested I will refer to Jason as Iceman.

Second: Iceman has decided we would run in the George Washington Classic 10K in Alexandria on February 14. I don't really feel like paying another $30 entry fee. However, if I can get $100 in donations then I get to run for free. The donations support the Alexandria Police Youth Camp, Inc.. Any willing Donors?

Third: If Iceman and I are going to continue winter running. I think I need a face warmer. I don't need donations for this though.

1 comment:

Pelt Family said...

It was a great run, a bit cold but otherwise perfect. My legs are tight today.