Thursday, March 12, 2009

Number days

As we are about to have our second Friday the 13th of the year followed by pi day, I decided to celebrate another day later this year.

My idea was to celebrate "Largest Prime of the Year Day". Unfortunately it turned out this follows on none other than 12/31. 1231 is a prime. Clearly I couldn't pick that day. People will think I am a big nerd for celebrating that instead of New Years Eve. And the smallest prime is clearly the next day 1/1 (11). So I have decided this year to celebrate "Largest Prime that is not the Eve of a National Holiday Day". Turns out this falls on 12/29.

To all of you who are paraskavedekatriaphobic. I wish you well tomorrow. You should stay in bed.

1 comment:

Pelt Family said...

I love the Tim Long Blog